  • Let's talk about the difference between combiners and hybrid Let's talk about the difference between combiners and hybrid Aug , 22 2023
    Circuit combiners are divided into two types: dual-band combiners and hybrid combiners. Dual-band combiners are divided into GSM/CDMA two-network combiners and GSM/DCS two-network combiners. Working mechanism description: The working principle of the dual-frequency combiner is similar to the diplexer, but the synthesized signal is not in the same frequency range, such as G network and C network, G...
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  • Let's talk about the difference between combiners and hybrid Let's talk about the difference between combiners and hybrid Aug , 22 2023
    Circuit combiners are divided into two types: dual-band combiners and hybrid combiners. Dual-band combiners are divided into GSM/CDMA two-network combiners and GSM/DCS two-network combiners. Working mechanism description: The working principle of the dual-frequency combiner is similar to the diplexer, but the synthesized signal is not in the same frequency range, such as G network and C network, G...
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